Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3rd grade... whaaaa?

Day 1, complete.  It was so weird!  There was no snot, no shoe tying, no centers, no ten minute lessons and no SMART Board!  The lessons were so much longer than in kindergarten, and they did so much more independent work.  The chill factor here, compared with Mrs. C’s class is huge.  Mrs. T is very laid back and doesn’t do much talking (or happy yelling like Mrs. C.).  These kids write pages, do their work at their desks, and are huge.  It’s also pretty boring.  I will definitely be spicing up this class with a few of the things I picked up in Mrs. C’s room.  I don’t think it’s Mrs. T who’s boring, mostly the curriculum.  Overall, the day was a success.  

1 comment:

  1. You are in your second rotation!! Which means you are 1/2 way through! Soak it all up ladies! :D
