Wednesday, January 26, 2011

*I'm finally on here!!! :)*

Hello, fellow interns! What a crying shame that I haven’t jumped on this blog train before now! I guess we can all breathe a sigh of relief because Abby is here now and the party can REALLY start! *Insert head spin, tap dance, and karaoke song*.

Apparently I’m not “Ms. Pate” anymore and have been given the new name “mama”. My kindergarteners refuse to call me anything else because they claim I smell just like a mother. I have never known that a mom has a certain smell before, but I can’t argue with a five year old about that. Who knew Amber Romance is the official motherly smell?! Speaking of smell, have you guys ever seen that perfume that’s supposed to make you smell skinnier? My mom bought it, and it doesn’t work. Haha

I am having the BEST time in my placement and it really couldn’t be better for me. I am fitting right in and the Principal even does a dance when she sees me. She says my smile makes her want to go “OH YA!!” and does a little rodeo dance. I am starting to think that this school needs to have a reality show for the behind the scenes action! Everyone is a little bit crazy, so I fit RIGHT in.

My second rotation teacher finds me every morning and screams: “Where’s my baby intern?!” through the halls where the whole school can hear. I hear her from across the building most of the time, which makes me feel at ease. My entire family is like that, so I feel right at home! I never lost my mom in the grocery store when I was little because I could hear her 15 lanes over. I think I’m going to love my second rotation teacher a lot thanks to her loud, blunt humor. She is absolutely hilarious! We were all giving our take on the Bachelorette the night before and she goes: “You guys watch that mindless nonsense?!...Btw, what was he thinking picking Ashley?!” haha

I am getting along really well with my students and first rotation cooperating teacher! She calls me on the weekends to chat even though she’s in her 60’s. You’re never too old to be my friend, just sayin! We are having too much fun, we laugh together about how it’s hard to get things done because we won’t stop telling stories and laughing our heads off. We cry, too…just whatever emotion the stories evoke. Her love story is SO cute, I might have to write about it later. I know it’s irrelevant, but I bet you’d like to hear it! Maybe I’ll do that on my other blog instead.

Yesterday the other kindergarten classes thought I was a policewoman because of my internship badge! Have you guys been mistaken for the Po Po yet? Hope you have a great day tomorrow! Miss you all!!!
Professionally Yours, Ms. “Mama” Pate

1 comment:

  1. Oh Abby!! I feel like we have so much to talk about! While I love my new job, I really miss the craziness of Chenal! Mom gives me daily Abby updates, sorry you have been sick. We must talk soon!

    I LOVE THE BLOG! SO COOL! I want all of us to start out own school and work together! It would be fantastic! :)
